Netflix Launches Profiles, Separate Sub-Accounts On Shared Netflix Account

By: Sean Fang Fri, 02/08/2013 - 16:31

Netflix has responded to user demand and launched Profiles, a way for family members (or friends) who share a single Netflix connection to each have their own personalised experience.

Previously, even in a family where the watching habits of mum and dad, and the kids, may be all different - a single suggestion and recently watched list exists for all concerned. This means that Netflix is just as likely to recommend Desperate Housewives to the action movie addicted man of the house, as it is likely to recommend Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol to the lady of the house; and the recently watched queue will be nothing but an eclectic mess.

But now, subscribers can create up to five different profiles, one for each person that shares the account, and all will get their own individualised suggestions, instant queue and recently watched lists.

The new feature was announced on the official Netflix blog. "Today, we are launching a new feature on Netflix that solves that problem and makes it even easier to find something that you will enjoy. You will be able to add additional profiles (up to 5) for each member of your household that uses Netflix. Each person will get personalised suggestions based on what they watch and rate, as well as separate 'Recently Watched' list. You can also connect each person to a different Facebook account, to get personalised suggestions from your friends," the blog stated. You can view a video explaining the new feature here.

Profiles will be launching across Netflix worldwide over the next two weeks, with the feature available on apps for the iPad, iPhone, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Apple TV, newer Smart TVs and Blu-Ray players, as well as via the Netflix website. Profiles can be added via the PS3 app or through the Netflix website, and accessible on the other listed devices. Android and Wii users miss out unfortunately for the present, but Netflix promises that an update will be coming soon for these two platforms.

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